Why Your Vote Matters in 2018

September 7, 2018

Puffin is a proud supporter of the Campus Election Engagement Project, seeking to enfranchise college students nationwide. You can check out their most recent video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf9PAW9yq64

About Campus Election Engagement Project

Campus Election Engagement Project (CEEP), is a national nonpartisan project that helps administrators, faculty, staff, and student leaders at America’s colleges and universities engage students in federal, state, and local elections. Drawing in stakeholders throughout our partner campuses, we combine our powerful resources with personalized coaching, guiding schools on how to use our resources and navigate students through ever-changing barriers to voting. Working with us, schools help their students to register, volunteer in campaigns, educate themselves on candidates and issues, navigate confusing voting laws, and turn out at the polls. We worked with over 300 campuses in 2016, with a combined enrollment of 3.5 million students, while partner organizations distributed our resources to another 1,000 schools. We spent 2017 helping our campuses develop ongoing engagement strategies while getting students involved directly in Virginia’s statewide races and Alabama’s US Senate race. And we’re now engaging students in the 2018 elections. Because individuals who vote when they’re young tend to continue, and because we help schools deepen their electoral engagement each cycle, we generate both immediate and long-term impact.

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