The Climate Change Solutions Project: Billboard Art

Messaging on the scale of public billboards catches the attention of those driving by daily. The audience is not  limited to the art gallery crowd alone. It is more inclusive. My artwork addresses banning fossil fuels, promoting sustainability and presenting positive images of sustainable solutions.

The climate is changing, and we must address this man-made crisis with sensible clean energy solutions now.        My billboard brings environmental art into the mainstream offering solutions such as solar and wind.                        It is time to teach Americans to respect our environment and to make important changes before it is too late.        We must come together to address climate change for future generations.

Public art has the power to connect with the curious and unite the viewers. With experience in artmaking, sustainable solutions and advertising, I have presented a sustainable green solution to become familiar with and embrace.                                                                                                                                                                                                  18,000 cars pass this billboard weekly reading “SOLAR POWER!”                                                                                      The enduring message will remain up on NYS Route 17 for the rest of the year because of a grant from the Puffin Foundation.



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