The Big Cover Up

Satirical “ImBLEACHments of political figures are incorporated into woven blankets that are then given away to Occupiers,and the homeless. These satirical portraits are photographed off the TV, printed as “C” prints, and then splashed with household bleach. The blankets are woven and reversable, and the portraits are barely descernable, allowing the owners to consider the colors an abstraction or a political statement. Five blankets were given away in three cities, by first contacting local Occupy groups, touching base with a local who knew those who were truly in need, and then distributing the blankets to those individulas. The “give” was documented in stills and video, which can be seen on Youtube. U.S.A. Projects helped crowdfund the initial production, and The Puffin Foundation helped with publicity. The Nevada Arts Council helped provide funding for the Las Vegas “give”, and other donated time and energy to keep the give going. Any future sales of blankets or the ponchos (blankets with a hole in the middle) helps fund another blanket that is donated to a homeless person. Hopefully, I will be able to repeat the project in other cities, in a kind of Johnny Appleseed fashion, with a few trips every year to new locations.

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