Grantees All Years

For A Better Life

Yasmin Mistry / Foster Care Film & Community Engagement Project

Year Grant Awarded: 2017

"For A Better Life" is the fourth film in an eight part documentary film series, created by the Foster Care Film & Community Engagement Project (FCFCEP), which tells the true-to-life stories of foster youth in order to create greater understanding of the U.S. child welfare system. Read More

Foster Care Film & Community Engagement Project

Yasmin Mistry | idesygn creative LLC

Year Grant Awarded: 2013

Crushed in childhood by their fragmented families, 9 individual foster youth face down abuse, institutionalization and death to defy the odds. Read More

Awaken the Imagination

Yeghiazaryan, Lusine

Year Grant Awarded: 2017

Awaken the Imagination was a collaborative effort between the artist and various NYP Library branches. It was a series of window displays featuring large paper sculptures depicting powerful imagery from books with socially conscious and educational messages intended to draw in younger people. Read More

365 Release Project

YK Hong

Year Grant Awarded: 2011

Giving away one thing each day for 1 year to create a practice of non-attachment, letting go, and change. Read More

The Three Bears

Youth Stages LLC

Year Grant Awarded: 2012

The Three Bears, an interactive theatre experience for 3-5 year olds, was performed in three libraries along the New Jersey shore in communities adversely affected by Hurricane Sandy Read More

Misread Signs

Yuliya Lanina

Year Grant Awarded: 2019

"Misread Signs" is a multimedia three channel installation. It explores the effects of trauma on human psyche. All images are hand painted and then animated on the computer. Each channel is projected onto the adjacent walls, creating a seamless immersive story. Read More


Zallman, Toby

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

“reefscollapse” is a project that attempts to bring awareness to how we, as individuals, by the choices we make, contribute to climate change and the destruction of the earth’s ecosystems. The work addresses the catastrophe of the bleaching and collapse of the world’s coral reefs. Read More

Air Quality Orange

Zamani, Eboni

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

Air Quality Orange is a docu-series and interactive map that takes an in-depth look at the environmental racism that Black and Latino communities have been facing throughout Philadelphia and how Black and Latino Philadelphians people are fighting for justice and working on environmental solutions Read More

Oh, The Guilt

Zargari, Shahab

Year Grant Awarded: 2021

Oh, The Guilt, is a coming-of-age film set in the 1990s featuring a Persian-American teen as the main character. The plot tackles death, and survivor’s guilt, elements of the human condition that transcend age, race, and creed. Read More

Oh, The Guilt

Zargari, Shahab

Year Grant Awarded: 2021

Our short film, Oh, The Guilt, is a coming-of-age story set in the 1990s. Following the death of her best friend in a car crash, sixteen-year-old Sara is visited in her dreams by a middle-aged woman from the future bearing a terrifying message: It was actually Sara who perished in the accident. Read More