Nowhere to Run: Climate Refugees

Nowhere to Run: Climate Refugees is a scholarly art book/portfolio and traveling exhibition, that will look
at the displacement of individuals and communities from their lands thanks to climate change, environmental degradation and/or ecological abuses that can inevitably lead to dislocation.

International artists, some with direct experience, interpret the plights of those who are forced to flee their homelands because of flood, drought, storm, rising sea levels, deforestation or agricultural uncertainty, mining, fracking, dams, tar sands, “post-colonial” colonization and other violations throughout the planet. Additionally, works describe describe the power, agency, spiritual strength, actions and alliances of those affected.

The project comprises 75 images from artists worldwide, small (approximately 16″x20″) prints, photographs, drawings, and paintings. A few video (new media) artworks complete the exhibit.

In addition, we are working on what we hope will be a living archive, on line, of stories and images from those who have been displaced. This is a long process and difficult to get off the ground, but is slowly coming into view.

Nowhere to Run: Climate Refugees is the second in a planned Climate Change Trilogy. The first, Water, Water Everywhere: Paean to a Vanishing Resource was funded in part by Puffin Foundation, and has been on the road since 2011. A catalogue was published in 2014. Nowhere to Run has no website as of yet, but Water, Water does (see URL below).

A small spin-off blog from Water, Water for poetry, short prose and artwork about water issues, is ongoing.

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