New Jersey Peace Action

Peace Action is the nation’s largest grassroots peace organization. It was founded as SANE (later to become SANE/Freeze) in 1957.

Our goals are:
Abolish Nuclear War
Promote a more peaceful economy
Bring an end to weapons trafficking
Encourage non-military solutions to international conflicts
Promote conflict resolution at all levels.

Our priorities are:
“Moving the Money” from war to peace
Nuclear Disarmament (and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty)
End current and prevent future wars
Demilitarization of Foreign and Domestic Policy
Protecting Civil Liberties/Putting an end to Torture
Ending the Use of Drones
Gun Control

Peace Action’s national headquarters are in Washington D.C. Policies are decided democratically at annual national meetings and through a Board of Directors elected by the grassroots affiliates.

The Northern New Jersey Affiliate – NJ Peace Action, always one of the nation’s most active groups, is based in Bloomfield with chapters throughout the region of the state north of New Brunswick.

What we do:
We lobby for policy changes in Congress, the United Nations, Trenton and in towns like yours
We educate and publish a hotline on federal legislation and annual voting records for every member of congress on peace and justice issues
We print fact sheets to better inform the public, hold public meetings on important issues and speak out in the press
We promote conflict resolution programs in New Jersey Schools and encourage future generations to solve problems
We organize at the grassroots level to encourage citizens to vote for candidates who support our views on peace and social issues.
We are creating 1000 Origami cranes for peace.

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