Grantees All Genres


Windsor, Duke

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

In my exhibition “Reverence”, all things in life are beautiful. I believe that this is where my paintings of ordinary subjects manifest themselves, on a deeper level. My use of Gold leaf is used to evoke the feeling of reverence feeling towards the serenity of the narrative subject.


Womxn Who Print

Year Grant Awarded: 2019

An exhibition gathering womxn printers across the US to create a collective response to the prompt of “impulse”.

Journey without a Map

Woodward, Jill

Year Grant Awarded: 2015

In the short documentary "Journey without a Map", Abduol discovers an unlikely passion in contemporary dance, tapping into the healing power of art as he seeks asylum in Greece from his native Afghanistan.

Antiwar Billboard Project NYC

World BEYOND War

Year Grant Awarded: 2018

World BEYOND War puts up billboards in numerous cities across the world to bolster public antiwar education efforts and amplify our global antiwar voices. The unique public approach has helped create difficult conversations that otherwise wouldn't happen.

Killing Season Chicago

Wortendyke, Krista

Year Grant Awarded: 2015

Killing Season Chicago is a data driven installation comprised of photographs from 172 homicide sites in Chicago during the summer of 2010. This grant translated the large-scale art installation into an impactful, online representation of the work.

Pete Seeger’s Legacy: IF I HAD A HAMMER


Year Grant Awarded: 2016

Assessing the folk-singer/activist's lasting gifts to the world.

At the Hands of Persons Unknown

Würfel, Gesche

Year Grant Awarded: 2018

"At the Hands of Persons Unknown" explores how trees have been silent witnesses to the lynching of women in the U.S.. Given the renewed interest into the many ways women are oppressed by contemporary power structures, exploring the forgotten history of female lynching is both timely and relevant.

The Absence and Presence of the Berlin Wall

Würfel, Gesche

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

My photography project, “The Absence and Presence of the Berlin Wall,” focuses on Germany’s reunification post-1990. It was presented in a solo exhibition at the Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin, Germany, from February 25 – March 20, 2022.

Getting Under Our Skin

Wyllie, Nancy

Year Grant Awarded: 2021

The Global Skin bleaching epidemic is explored through historical references dating back to Ancient Egypt and raw interviews with Americans navigating race and colorism in the 21st century.

For A Better Life

Yasmin Mistry / Foster Care Film & Community Engagement Project

Year Grant Awarded: 2017

"For A Better Life" is the fourth film in an eight part documentary film series, created by the Foster Care Film & Community Engagement Project (FCFCEP), which tells the true-to-life stories of foster youth in order to create greater understanding of the U.S. child welfare system.