Grantees All Genres

Sampson, Cherie

Year Grant Awarded: 2023

“,” by Cherie Sampson is a one-woman show depicting personal, familial and community stories about hereditary cancer while exploring topics of genetics, integrative oncology, and healing from a patient’s perspective of modern medicine. Performed at the DCJCC theater, July, 2024.

The Never Ending Greed Story

Sanfiorenzo, Phyllis

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

“The NeverEnding Greed Story” is a climate change installation. This design is a response to the struggle against the apathy and complacency of global warming. When the threat of creature comforts are at stake, my design questions what role does money play into global warming?

The Fruitful Wound: Photographs of Harlem Gardens

Santella, Dennis

Year Grant Awarded: 2012

Since the summer of 2008 I have been mapping and photographing Community Gardens and lots in Harlem. Unlike buildings and storefronts, owned and constructed by others, the gardens are planned and constructed according to the whims of their members.

Deep Water

Sarah Council Dance Projects

Year Grant Awarded: 2013

Deep Water is an evening of dance that focuses on women found on the margins of society; exploring ideas that relate to poverty, exploitation and survival. Deep Water includes the expansion of two current SCDP works, Shadowlands and Staring at Stones


Sari Nordman

Year Grant Awarded: 2021

Tower, an interdisciplinary installation, reflects on climate change. Combining sculpture, video, archiving and community participation, the work highlights interviews of people of diverse backgrounds sharing their personal experiences with climate change.

One interactive, 7-professional-musician popular music concert and educational presentation, at a continuation high school that provide inspiration for at-risk youth in the Los Angeles area.

Saturday Night Bath Concert Fund

Year Grant Awarded: 2018

Saturday Night Bath Band (leader + 6) produced and performd one, interactive, 2-hour concert (6-hours total including clinics) at a school, providing access to live music performance, history, and composition creation for at-risk-students who have had little or none before.

1-interactive, pop “Zoom-style” video concert and educational Seminar-meeting for a school.

Saturday Night Bath Concert Fund

Year Grant Awarded: 2021

We went back to Five Acres school in Altadena virtually in March 2021. The kids danced, learned about our instruments, and a first for us, played musical chairs! On behalf of the youth of Los Angeles, our ensemble and organization, thank you for your support since 2018.

1-interactive, 8-professional musician popular concert and education for schools in the Los Angeles area.

Saturday Night Bath Concert Fund

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

Saturday Night Bath Band produced and performed a live 50-minute concert with musical instrument clinics for Alonzo Continuation school. This provided access to popular music performance and education, specifically our brief instrument descriptions, and their current and past famous performers.

Lonnie Holley: The Southern Folk Art Legend (2014)

Schear, Theo

Year Grant Awarded: 2013

Powered by the Puffin Foundation, Theo Schear and a group of student musicians from the University of Michigan will visit the world renowned artist Lonnie Holley to collaborate on a short documentary film in March 2015.

Zara Notes (2014)

Year Grant Awarded: 2013

Zara Notes is a theatrical exploration of Nietzsche’s Thus Spake Zarathustra. The fictional hermit-prophet takes you through his tenets and then sweeps you up in the endless, joyful cycle of creation/destruction/recreation.