Grantee tags transgender


Rea, Raymond

Year Grant Awarded: 2023

“Augmented” (working title) is a short experimental animation incorporating traditional analog photography with digital animation techniques and digital editing to examine and educate about disability in a visceral way. Read More


Olson, Sky

Year Grant Awarded: 2022

Gender.Network is a digital archive of flyers, photos, artwork, cartoons, letters, poems, and other media by trans, Two Spirit, non-binary, and gender liberation activists, organizers, and artists. Read More

Girls Rock Summer Camp

Bay Area Girls Rock Camp

Year Grant Awarded: 2016

Girls Rock Summer Camp empowers self-identified girls, trans, and non-binary through music and promotes an environment that fosters self-confidence, creativity, and collaboration. Read More

Buffalo: Rule of Three

Davidson, Bug

Year Grant Awarded: 2013

Buffalo: Rule of Three is a image investigation on history, personal narrative, and transgender. It is my intention to envision beyond the boundaries of established materiality, into a creative imaginary of unexpected theories & representations. Read More