Nonsense and Beauty

Recipient of the the 2018 Edgerton Foundation New Play Award, Nonsense and Beauty by Scott C. Sickles follows the eminent British novelist E.M. Forster as his romance with Bob Buckingham, a policeman 23 years his junior, falls prey to his fear of discovery. After Bob marries May, a compassionate young woman, Forster remains ensnared in a turbulent and unique love triangle until his death nearly 40 years later. Based on a true story, Nonsense and Beauty captures the wit and wisdom of one of the last century’s great writers.

Directed by Corey McDaniel and FEATURING…Eric Mulholland, Russell Matthews, Hisam Goueli, Jennifer Ewing, and Marty Mukhalian

NONSENSE and BEAUTY was originally Developed and Produced by THE REPERTORY THEATRE OF ST. LOUIS

Steven Woolf, Artistic Director
Mark Bernstein, Managing Director
Seth Gordon, Production Director