Grant Updates

August 23, 2021

Update 9/16/21: What disciplines are you accepting funding proposals for in 2022?

We will be accepting new proposals in the Fine Arts, Music, and Photography for our 2022 grant cycle. Applications in other disciplines will not be considered.  Please note that the *primary* focus of your proposal must be one of these three genres.  For example, please do not apply for a Music grant if the music is simply an accompanying score for a video or dance project.  Music, Photography, or Fine Arts must be the focus of your project. One exception is that we will also consider arts-related projects focusing on Environmental issues and the climate catastrophe confronting us all from other genres such as Theater. Please refer to our FAQ’s for more details on how to apply.

Update 1/11/21

Puffin’s 2021 artist grant cycle is now closed.  We will notify applicants on the determination of their proposals on a rolling basis in a process that will likely last until summer. In September, we will open our grant cycle process for 2022 funding. We anticipate accepting proposals in the following disciplines, but this will not be finalized until mid-summer: Fine Arts, Theater, Photography & Music. Please check back on our website in July for updated information.

UPDATE 12/22/20

The Puffin Foundation offices will be closed Christmas day through January 4th. Our mail will be on hold and all deliveries of grants via USPS, UPS, or FedEx will be delivered January 4th and beyond. As long as your grant is POSTMARKED by December 31 it will be accepted regardless of actual delivery date. Wishing you all Happy Holidays and a safe and Happy 2021!

Important Information about Puffin’s 2021 Artist Grant Cycle

Due to the Corona Virus we are only considering new proposals in Video/Film and arts-related Environmental projects for 2021. “New” applicants in other disciplines will not be considered. The primary focus of your proposal must be video/film. For example, please do not apply for a video component of a theater project, or apply for a musical score for a video work. Please address your SASE as follows:

The Puffin Foundation, Ltd.
2021 Application Request
20 Puffin Way
Teaneck, NJ 07666

2020 Artist Grant Cycle

We are also pleased to open up the application process to artists in the fields of music, photography and theater. However, this is only for previous applicants who submitted proposals in 2020 that we were not able to review due to the pandemic. This opportunity does not apply to the applicants from 2020 who received an acceptance or formal rejection from Puffin.

Please address your 2020 request as follows:

The Puffin Foundation, Ltd.
Application Request- 2020 Reapply
20 Puffin Way
Teaneck, NJ 07666

We ask that all proposals reflect the reality of our current circumstances, and take into account the possibility of ongoing restrictions on public gatherings, physical exhibitions, and the like. Puffin’s mission to support the arts and artists is more vital than ever now. As society re-imagines public life, social gatherings, and the future of artistic performance and exhibition, we look forward to reading about what your work looks like at this moment, and how it can be shared.

Please review our FAQ’s for information about how and when to submit your proposal.

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